Saturday, February 14, 2015

DIY: FREE Hidden Electricity!

Picture of FREE Hidden Electricity!
All you need is a phone line! All phone lines have a constant flow of voltage, around 40-70 volts (up to 100 volts when it rings!), but you can't just plug stuff into it and expect it to work. You can really mess with your phone system by doing that. I discovered how to do it the right way!

DIY: Solar powered phone charger

Picture of solar powered phone charger
Do you ever get stuck in the car for very long, or go camping were there isn't any outputs? well all you need to make the Solar Power phone charger is a solar panel and a charger.

Hide Your Online Identity

Google Dorks Commands

How many times have you had to go all the way to page 10 on google looking for an ebook?

You wanted a pdf but they give you all sorts of useless stuff!

How many times has a scenario occured where you wanted a power point presentation for your school/college project and looking for a ppt file on google yields about two ppt files per page?!

How to make a bootable USB drive with UNetbootin

There are certain times you need to use an Operating System but you don’t want to overwrite you existing OS or make your machine slow by going for a parallel boot option.

In such a case the best option is to use a bootable USB drive.

Hack A WEP Access Point In 10 StepsHack A WEP Access Point In 10 Steps

Hack WEP Through Backtrack 5

I have tried to explain each step and what goes with it for a clearer understanding of how this works. There are no screenshots, just a video at the end. Most of you will want to just jump to the video and be done with. Frankly, it’ll tell you what to do to hack an access point not how to. So I’d advise you to go through the text too. It’s not boring I promise